In this post, I’ll show you how to configure the play’s framework activator to work behind a proxy.
How to solve DbProviderFactories section can only appear once per config file error
Once upon a time, there was a program called ‘Agresso’. It uses the .NET framework. When I started the program and wanted to log in. I got the following error message: DbProviderFactories section can only appear once per config file error. -.-‘ After some research, I discovered it was a bug in the .NET framework. (not surprising me :p). Now, to solve this, do the following steps...
How to enable proxy on Linux in VirtualBox
At my work, I installed Linux Ubuntu on VirtualBox but when I run the virtual machine, I could not get on the internet. After some time, I finally got it working and I would like to share my solution with you.
How to enable bower to work behind a proxy
Hi there, in this post I will show you how to configure bower so it can download files behind a proxy.
How to fix Jasperserver error 6632
When I want to run a certain report on Jasperserver. I got an error like: An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. (6632)
How to fix Fatal error compiling: invalid target release: 1.8
This tutorial is writen for mac users, on windows I didn’t have this error.
When I tried to do a mvn compile. I got the following error:
How to fix Can not read response from server for MySQL
Hi, I made a java program where much database queries are processed in MySQL. After some time running, I got an error message:
How to add a record color to a listview in SugarCRM
Hi! In this post I will show you how to add a color to a listview in SugarCRM.
How to fix ENOENT error when installing modules with NPM
When I tried to install a module with NPM, I got an error like
Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm'
To fix this, create the ‘npm’ directory manually. It worked like a charm for me. Hopefully, it works for you too!
How to find a column name in all tables in MySQL
Sometimes, it could be handy to know in which tables a certain column name is specified. To do so, use the query below.
select distinct table_name
from information_schema.columns
where column_name in ('columnA','ColumnB')
and table_schema = 'YourDatabase';
Note: you need to fill in your own column names and table_schema. Enjoy!