When you are unit testing, it is sometimes necessary to supplement an object with dummy data. Unfortunately, to fill a large object manually, it crawls a lot of time and work. Fortunately, there is a tool that saves us the time and work!
How to change Sonar default database
Sonar uses a Derby or H2 as default database. When running Sonar, it says that these databases may only be used for evaluation. Now, in this article, I will tell you how to change the default database and how to configure Maven to use it.
How to fix Eclipse workbench error on start up
If you want to start your Eclipse, choose your workbench to load and then Eclipse stops, you probably have a workbench error.
How to skip maven unit test in Eclipse
When you want to build, install, clean… maven. You have to run all the unit tests. The problem is when you have plenty of tests or database connections to test, the time that the build need is way too long. It is possible to build without running the tests. You can configure that in Eclipse:
How to delete javadoc
To delete javadoc from your classes, you can use a regular expression:
How to fix Eclipse error ‘still running after platform shutdown’
If you can’t start Eclipse eand you get a pop-up that says you have to look in the .log file in the {your workspace}/.metadata folder, you have probably the following error:
Job found still running after platform shutdown.
Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: