I tried to post data to a rest service using Unirest (unirest.io). But when I tried to post to an HTTPS url, I got the following error: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: General SSLEngine problem PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target sun.security.provider.certpath...
How to create a vertx fat-jar with maven
If you use Vertx, It could be helpful to create a jar or war where Vertx is included. If you use maven. You can add the following code in your pom.xml: <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.4.1</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>package</phase> <goals>...
How to use play framework behind a proxy
In this post, I’ll show you how to configure the play’s framework activator to work behind a proxy.
How to solve DbProviderFactories section can only appear once per config file error
Once upon a time, there was a program called ‘Agresso’. It uses the .NET framework. When I started the program and wanted to log in. I got the following error message: DbProviderFactories section can only appear once per config file error. -.-‘ After some research, I discovered it was a bug in the .NET framework. (not surprising me :p). Now, to solve this, do the following steps...
How to enable bower to work behind a proxy
Hi there, in this post I will show you how to configure bower so it can download files behind a proxy.
How to fix Fatal error compiling: invalid target release: 1.8
This tutorial is writen for mac users, on windows I didn’t have this error.
When I tried to do a mvn compile. I got the following error:
How to fix java.io.EOFException: Can not read response from server for MySQL
Hi, I made a java program where much database queries are processed in MySQL. After some time running, I got an error message:
How to add a record color to a listview in SugarCRM
Hi! In this post I will show you how to add a color to a listview in SugarCRM.
How to fix ENOENT error when installing modules with NPM
When I tried to install a module with NPM, I got an error like
Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm'
To fix this, create the ‘npm’ directory manually. It worked like a charm for me. Hopefully, it works for you too!
How to add dummy data to your java object
When you are unit testing, it is sometimes necessary to supplement an object with dummy data. Unfortunately, to fill a large object manually, it crawls a lot of time and work. Fortunately, there is a tool that saves us the time and work!