When you are unit testing, it is sometimes necessary to supplement an object with dummy data. Unfortunately, to fill a large object manually, it crawls a lot of time and work. Fortunately, there is a tool that saves us the time and work!
At https://code.google.com/p/dummycreator/wiki/DummyCreator, you can find a java library that fills an object with dummy data by typing one line of code.
If you use Maven, you can add the following dependency:
In this example, we want to add dummy data for an object User.
public class User {
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
//getters & setters...
Now, to fill this object, type the following code:
User user = new DummyCreator().create(User.class);
It’s easy as that! Enjoy! 😀
It has been a while, but the dummycreator project has reincarnated into the modern age as “lorem-ipsum-objects”, over at https://github.com/bbottema/lorem-ipsum-objects.