When I want to run a certain report on Jasperserver. I got an error like: An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. (6632)
How to fix java.io.EOFException: Can not read response from server for MySQL
Hi, I made a java program where much database queries are processed in MySQL. After some time running, I got an error message:
How to fix ENOENT error when installing modules with NPM
When I tried to install a module with NPM, I got an error like
Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm'
To fix this, create the ‘npm’ directory manually. It worked like a charm for me. Hopefully, it works for you too!
How to fix Eclipse workbench error on start up
If you want to start your Eclipse, choose your workbench to load and then Eclipse stops, you probably have a workbench error.
How to fix Eclipse error ‘still running after platform shutdown’
If you can’t start Eclipse eand you get a pop-up that says you have to look in the .log file in the {your workspace}/.metadata folder, you have probably the following error:
Job found still running after platform shutdown.
Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown:
How to solve Spring WebServiceTransportException 404
When you get an error like:
"org.springframework.ws.client.WebServiceTransportException: Not Found [404];"
It means that your XSD file is not valid against your WSDL file.
Make sure your XSD file is valid against your WSDL file.